
January 1, 2015

Hello, 2015.

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! 

As I reflect on this past year, 2014 has been a year of growth and a test in faith for the both of us. We've been through some challenges, but I'm so thankful for them. In those hard times, God has been so faithful in our lives. 

I could try to come up with a list of "New Years Resolutions" but this year I'm keeping it simple; whatever chapter this upcoming year brings us into, I just want to make sure I'm spending as much time with the people that mean the most to me. Today, we started by heading up to the mountain to take Kovu to see snow! We had no idea if he had seen it before, but I have never seen him as excited as he was today. It was an amazing start to the new year.

I hope 2015 brings each and every one of you a year of joy and blessings.